samedi 4 août 2012

iphone CASE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vitae elementum purus. Quisque vitae neque ac magna scelerisque consequat sed non ante. Nam tortor massa, mollis id malesuada at, ultrices a metus. Nullam at orci metus. Vivamus faucibus consectetur lacus, eu fermentum elit facilisis nec. In convallis posuere lorem vitae tincidunt. Aenean lacus tortor, condimentum vel congue sit amet, pharetra in velit. Donec scelerisque, lectus non ultricies iaculis, neque dolor rutrum ipsum, et rhoncus turpis nisi at felis. Morbi justo diam, euismod ut vulputate sit amet, mattis id nulla. Integer sed nisi in lectus congue luctus. Sed laoreet odio non nunc sollicitudin tempor. Aliquam eu nisl elit, facilisis iaculis metus.
Phasellus non placerat quam. Aliquam ut augue odio, sed molestie diam. Fusce hendrerit, odio eu porttitor ultrices, libero lorem adipiscing sapien, at aliquet urna massa sed tellus. Aliquam suscipit lobortis enim, non lobortis erat lacinia at. Mauris a libero eget tortor euismod fringilla. Quisque eget erat id ante faucibus sagittis. Morbi faucibus, eros at congue aliquam, nisl velit volutpat massa, nec pulvinar magna orci nec diam. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Pellentesque placerat elementum ligula aliquet viverra. Maecenas eget turpis dolor, eget euismod dui. Vestibulum volutpat urna sed orci scelerisque tincidunt. Etiam euismod risus eu dolor auctor pulvinar. Vestibulum erat libero, iaculis eget consectetur a, tincidunt sed ipsum. Duis et pharetra mi. Mauris elementum laoreet quam eu bibendum. Suspendisse fermentum, elit luctus egestas venenatis, enim elit consectetur velit, ac aliquam mi nisi non mi. Vestibulum tortor metus, lacinia semper placerat a, aliquam in leo. Sed felis erat, pretium et adipiscing in, varius at purus. Suspendisse laoreet ipsum vel lorem vestibulum aliquet. Pellentesque vitae neque libero. Sed vehicula ultrices consectetur. Duis vel nisl lorem, quis ultrices ipsum. Nam sollicitudin erat eget neque placerat eget condimentum purus accumsan.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla id augue risus, non fringilla nibh. Quisque porta mi non nibh eleifend blandit. Etiam vehicula varius mi id luctus. Cras sem urna, euismod at pellentesque eget, vestibulum ac sapien. Vivamus sollicitudin fermentum ultricies. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sodales placerat hendrerit. Ut tortor lacus, lobortis porttitor porta ac, adipiscing nec justo. Mauris sit amet nibh eget nulla varius accumsan sit amet a nunc. Sed sit amet justo ante, vitae tristique tortor. Donec interdum luctus turpis, quis ullamcorper sem interdum nec.
Pellentesque sapien elit, dapibus vel ornare sed, fringilla in quam. Aliquam vitae libero purus, et volutpat nibh. Donec a mollis odio. Quisque eget nulla vitae arcu dignissim laoreet at sit amet metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam et ultricies elit. Nam leo nibh, adipiscing sit amet dapibus id, dictum ac diam. Etiam malesuada faucibus eros, quis ultricies tortor lobortis vitae. Nullam suscipit fringilla tempor. Quisque in fermentum erat. Vestibulum porta nisl malesuada dolor accumsan et rutrum nunc semper. Pellentesque bibendum eleifend ante non dictum. Nullam convallis congue dictum.

mercredi 1 février 2012

lundi 23 janvier 2012

The Foundation

When Andy Warhol died unexpectedly on February 22, 1987, he left a vast and complicated inventory of works of art and personal possessions. His will dictated that his entire estate, with the exception of a few modest legacies to family members, should be used to create a foundation dedicated to the "advancement of the visual arts." In its early days, the Foundation brought artists, curators, administrators, educators, critics and others together to help it shape a responsive, committed and engaged philanthropic organization.  The grantmaking program that grew out of these meetings and the Foundation’s ongoing efforts to protect and enhance its founder’s creative legacy ensure that Warhol’s inventive, open-minded spirit will have a profound impact on the visual arts for generations to come.
The primary focus of the Foundation’s grant making activity has been to support the creation, presentation and documentation of contemporary visual art, particularly work that is experimental, under-recognized, or challenging in nature.  The program has been both pro-active in its approach to the field of cultural philanthropy and responsive to the changing needs of artists.  A strong commitment to freedom of artistic expression led the Foundation to play an active advocacy role for artists during the culture wars of the 1990s and continues to inform its support of organizations that fight censorship, protect artists’ rights and defend their access to evolving technologies in the digital age.


Through cooperative exhibitions, loans and permanent placement of work in museums nationwide, the Foundation has ensured that the many facets of Warhol’s complex oeuvre are both widely accessible and properly cared for. Ongoing preservation and restoration of works in the Foundation’s care complement these efforts. In helping to establish the comprehensive collection and study center of The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, the Foundation paved the way for new Warhol scholarship and curatorial innovation as well as greater public understanding of Warhol’s profound significance.  The Foundation’s sustained support and oversight of thoroughly researched, extensively illustrated catalogues raisonné of Warhol’s entire artistic output expand the possibilities for scholarship even further. 
The Foundation has used its ownership of the copyright to Warhol images as an opportunity to craft creative and responsible licensing policies that are friendly to scholars and artists wishing to use Warhol images for educational and creative purposes, and profitable to the Foundation when the images are used for commercial purposes. Revenues from licensing agreements add significantly to those earned through the continued sale of work from the Foundation’s remaining art collection, enabling the Foundation to build the endowment from which it makes cash grants to arts organizations around the country.
Today Andy Warhol’s impact on artists, art institutions and the creative culture of our country is stronger than ever. The Foundation’s programs and initiatives continue to evolve and expand to address the needs of the visual arts community nationwide.

dimanche 1 janvier 2012

Magnetized Space
7 Decmbre , 2011 - 19 Fbruary, 2012 

Lygia Pape (1927-2004) was a leading Brazilian artist whose work brought together formal rigour and daring experimentation. In her own words, she explained her approach: 'My concern is always invention. I always want to invent a new laqnguage that's different for me and for others, too... I want to discover new things. Because, to me, art is a way of knowing the world... to see how the world is... of getting to know the wolrd'.

Pape was a founding member of the Neo-Concrete movement, wich was dedicated to the inclusion of art into everyday life. Pape's early work developed out of an interest in European abstraction, however she and her contemporaries went beyond simply adopting an international style, and started to draw ontheir own local situation.

Neo-concretism is often seens as the beginning of contemporary art in Brazil, and Pape's work - which focused artistic identity.

The exhibition presents work from throughout Pape's career, including drawings and poems from her Concrete peiod to her Neo-Concretist Livros (Books) and Caixas (Boxes) series, as well as ballets and perfomances such as Divisor (Divder) and O ovo (The Egg). Many of the these works were created in response to the political repression growing in the late 1960s and reflected the artist's strongly critical views on Brazil's elite. Pape's late works focused on the description on the depivtion of the emotion and sensation, and havve been decribed by Hélio oiticica - a contemporary of Pape's - as 'permanently open seeds'

The exhibition is organised by the Museo nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in collaboration with àprojecto Lygia Pape and the Serpentine Gallery.

Abdelhak Tamar 

dimanche 23 octobre 2011

Century “monolith” iPhone 4 Case

Daily News

Century “monolith” iPhone 4 Case

22 October 2011, 19.40 | Posted in AccessoriesGadgets | 1 comment »
 Century monolith iPhone 4 Case
As if one needed any more reasons to be an iPhone 4 user, Century released their “monolith” iPhone 4 case today and it is pretty darn neat to say the least. This case is rather unique in a sense that it functions as a projector. You can film and host a premier right on the spot. It is backed by a battery that when fully charged will give you 3 hours of projector usage, but if you don’t use the project feature, tack on about another 50% of battery usage for the iPhone battery. Here is some more technical information from Techcrunch:
Century says that users can expect images sized at up to 60cm (in 16:9 format), in 640×360 resolution, with a 1,000:1 contrast ratio, and with 12 lumens brightness.
Take a further look after the jump.
Daily News

Century “monolith” iPhone 4 Case

22 October 2011, 19.40 | Posted in AccessoriesGadgets | 1 comment »
 Century monolith iPhone 4 Case
As if one needed any more reasons to be an iPhone 4 user, Century released their “monolith” iPhone 4 case today and it is pretty darn neat to say the least. This case is rather unique in a sense that it functions as a projector. You can film and host a premier right on the spot. It is backed by a battery that when fully charged will give you 3 hours of projector usage, but if you don’t use the project feature, tack on about another 50% of battery usage for the iPhone battery. Here is some more technical information from Techcrunch:
Century says that users can expect images sized at up to 60cm (in 16:9 format), in 640×360 resolution, with a 1,000:1 contrast ratio, and with 12 lumens brightness.
Take a further look after the jump.